If that's the case then (1) blizzard should state that rotation and (2) they should put it in the damn game instead of asking players to goto icy veins. There was recently that forum post from alpha where blizzard revealed that the monk testers weren't using the right rotation, and that's why blizzard disagreed. My biggest single gripe is how they communicate game play and stats. That said, I think it's absurd the degree that blizzard relies on the community to support their game.

It's more to me about planning than telegraphing the current move. "Oh kormrok is going to leap in 10s, better make sure I've dragged him to the next pool" when I'm tanking or "Oh this boss is about to go p2 in 7s, let's save the ring for p2" as dps. Sargeras - A Area 52 - H Bleeding Hollow - H Tichondrius - H ChinaĪ lot of the value for me is knowing what's coming next. Stormscale - H Sylvanas - A Aszune - A Bronzebeard - H Americas